At our clinic, we have several mental health services that can help you or your family member.

Psychiatric Care: You could have a Comprehensive Assessment, which will focus on symptoms, brain functioning as well as strengths. This will lead to recommendations which may include: medication, psychotherapy, psychological assessment/treatment, and lifestyle and natural treatment options too.

Psychotherapy: We have Social Workers who are experts in ADHD – across the lifespan. Each of our therapists brings years of training and experience to help you to understand the impact of ADHD on yourself or your loved one, and to bring you evidence based strategies to improve your functioning. Our therapists also have expertise with the other commonly co-existing conditions that often come along with ADHD (like Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Depression, Anxiety and more).

Naturopathic Care: We have a Naturopathic Doctor who has significant expertise with ADHD. She is comfortable working within a medical model, meaning she can help you or your loved one to find natural treatment options while working with medication (if that’s what you choose).

While many people choose to work with multiple practitioners in our clinic (And that allows us to collaborate to provide the best care), you are free to work with one of our practitioners and seek care elsewhere – as you see fit.